
hello blogger!

well...i have officially decided to move my blog to blogger from wordpress. wordpress frustrates the poo out of me-so all my friends do blogger so i guess i will too. i don't know why i was trying to be cool and go with wordpress. you can still check the ole' wordpress blog to catch up with my life up to today. http://jessleigh7.wordpress.com/ personally, i find blogger more user friendly. i also prefer my look on here to my wordpress blog. enough of the blog drama...onto the real-life drama...

51 days and i'll be mrs. jessica smith. that sounds so wierd yet wonderful. other "exciting" (i use that word loosely) news: i was laid off from my job yesterday. i am going to be working until May 9. it is such a strange feeling. i love my job-i wouldn't want to work anyone else. since january 18 when i started my job i have told everyone who ask that i had found my dream job. its sad and depressing and frustrating...not really exciting at all. it raises 100 million questions as to what i am going to do...with a wedding around the corner and the planning that invovles i am not sure where to even start. the positive thing is...i've been here before...and i know God has a plan.

1 comment:

The Via Colony said...

I LOVE the header picture!! How are you?