
Monday Monday Monday

i feel like i need another weekend to recover from the weekend i just had. i hate MONDAYS! it was a busy weekend full of showers (2), running up and down the road, and a wedding. friday night we had a great shower at my friend lisa's house. she and sarah both really out did themselves with the couple's cookout. lost of great friends, food, and fun. dave and i both have some of the greatest friends in the world. we appreciate them all very much!

saturday, i got up early and drove to my parent's. my mom and i went and met with another cake lady. since i am not a big cake person, it has been very hard for me to imagine paying a whole lot for a wedding cake. luckily, ms. loretta had very reasonable prices and i like her stuff so we decided to go with her for the wedding cake. thankful that is one more thing checked of the wedding list.

that afternoon my sister's threw me a shower. a good friend of mine from high school was able to make it and several of my mom's friends from her work place- blue ridge orthopaedics. it was a good time...and the food was great of course (since my mom made it all). thanks to my sisters for all their hard work!

saturday evening i raced back for Allison's wedding. which was BEAUTIFUL! she was gorgeous and the church was decorated perfectly and the reception was awesome! i didn't stay very late because i had to get back to the house to take care of zeus. when i got home i didn't know how tired i really was till i laid down in the bed and didn't wake up until i heard dave coming in at 8:40 sunday morning.

he brought me some flowers he stopped on the side of the road to pick for me. he is too sweet. he also went to wal-mart on his way home and brought me my own box of cereal since i refuse to eat his kashi. we went to forestville this morning and got to hear the new pastor- rob jackson. we both really like him. i think we will start going to forestville full-time. :o)

sunday afternoon dave went treasure hunting and i cleaned the house, organized shower gifts, and took a long nap. i cooked dinner and we had a picnic on the back deck and watched the sunset. i don't think i have mentioned it on this new blog but I LOVE MY HOUSE. dave and i are so forunate to have found it!

sorry for the long ramblings...i'll try to post some pictures tonight.

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