
crazy busy weekend.

aaaaaaaaaah. i love the weekends. we got a lot done around the house. we took the shutters off the front of the house and painted them black. i took pics but i don't have my camera with me today at work. it looks awesome...much better than the washed-out hunter green color. i totally missed my friend amanda's baby shower...i thought the invitation said it started at 12...as i grabed if off the fridge on my way out the door at 11 i realized it said it was from 10-noon. i need to pay better attention! i bought dave a tree climber stand for hunting. we put it together friday afternoon and then he did a little demo so i could see how it works. he then wanted me to try it...not a good idea...i ended up about 10 feet in the air and then fell. tree climber stands aren't made for girls. oh and my favorite part of the weekend...saturday morning we sleep in a little bit...till 8:30- and then we went to waffle house. hmmm good. i love that place!

1 comment:

The Via Colony said...

I have totally missed things like that too. In fact, I was supposed to play for this wedding and my mom SWORE the invitation said 4 when in fact it was 3 and we walked up the the bride and groom coming down the isle at the end of the wedding!!!!! AHHHH, it is a HORRIBLE feeling=(
Glad you had a GREAT weekend!