

I love being married-everything about it I love...well except one thing that I had thought would be easy to adjust too but it hasn't been. With Dave being a fireman every 3rd day he is at the fire department for 24 hours. Some wives might count it a blessing to have 24 hours all to themselves, but my issue is I hate being alone at night. Being a scardy-cat is something I have dealt with since I was a small child. Since we've been married I am been making the 45 minute drive to my old roommate's house to stay with her...but that has got to stop. When I am at home alone at night I just don't sleep well at all. I am a light sleeper with Dave there...I practically don't sleep when he is gone. I know that fear is not from the Lord and I need to give it up. Please pray with me that I can overcome this fear! Tonight I am going to try and stay at the house by myself!

1 comment:

The Via Colony said...

How did your night go? I don't mind being alone without Josh at night, but on occasion I do get a little scared, hearing every sound, so I turn on some music to drown out the noises and it usually helps calm my nerves. That and sleeping with my phone, just in case=)